Origin of Soy Sauce Foam

NOVEMBER 27, 2022


Although the exact origin is a mystery, it is said that chefs in the traditional Kyoto region of Japan came up with the idea of Soy Sauce Foam so that maiko performers donned in elaborate kimonos can eat without the risk of staining their outfits. Unlike the "typical" soy sauce that we are all used to, the whipped and frothy nature of Soy Sauce Foam makes it easier to control the amount of soy sauce used. The meringue-like texture makes soy sauce spreadable, and it allows for soy sauce to be placed on (or next to) a dish as opposed to being used as a dip.

  • Soy Sauce Foam is an extension of Japan's omotenashi culture."

Soy Sauce in Urushimasu Container

Soy sauce is made with three simple ingredients: soybeans, wheat, and salt. The ingredients go through months of fermentation (sometimes even longer), as the enzymes in the culturing mold - aspergillus - breaks down components from soy beans and wheat to create the aroma and flavor of soy sauce. Rich in umami, soy sauce is used in various dishes to enhance the taste of the dish. There are over a thousand different soy sauces in Japan alone, each with their own regional recipe resulting in differing texture, color, and flavor profile.

Even in Japan, Soy Sauce Foam is still relatively unknown, only being used in certain high-end establishments to elevate the aesthetic of the final dish. Although soy sauce is ubiquitous and is found in numerous Japanese, Asian, and even Western cooking, a whipped form of soy sauce drastically increases the versatility of the condiment beyond its use as a taste booster.

Avocado Toast with Soy Sauce Foam

The Japanese are known to pay particular attention not only to the flavor, but also to the aroma and presentation (including the vessels that the dish is served, decor of the environment, and even the view from the seats!). Regardless of its origin, we believe that Soy Sauce Foam is an extension of the idea of omotenashi: Japanese hospitality deeply rooted within Japanese culture. Whether to add to your sushi, avocado toast or even Japanese-style pasta, try using Soy Sauce Foam to elevate the way you serve your favorite food!

*maiko: literally translating to "dancing child", maiko is an apprentice geisha.

*kimono: meaning "a thing to wear" in Japanese, a kimono is a traditional Japanese garment worn by Japanese men and women. There are different types of kimono depending on the wearer and occasion.